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Certified Personal Trainer – National Personal Training Institute, 2006

Tai Chi Healthways and Associates – Associate Tai Chi Instructor, 6/15/2011

Reiki Master/Teacher Therapy 2011

Zen Wellness – Medical Qigong certification (500 hour Masters Path), 2/24/2016

Yoga Alliance Yoga Teacher Training International Certification – Harmony Yoga School, 2019

CPR/AED certified

Meditation Teacher


I have been a personal trainer for more than 13 years and am passionate about improving my clients’ lives through fitness.  Calisthenic movements and weight training enable my clients of all ages to enhance muscle strength, increase bone density, and improve flexibility.  My experience and success in incorporating aspects of mind, body and balance into exercise regimens led me to become a Yoga instructor, and I often weave these elements into client workouts.

My ability to combine the best of both eastern and western techniques has achieved outstanding results for post-rehab clients, senior citizens, and younger clients who wish to maintain a high level of fitness and wellness.  One individual presented with a knee injury due to weak hamstrings.  After working with her to strengthen her muscles, we were able to resolve her injury.  I have helped my senior clients improve their balance.  They can confidently sustain a single leg balance for one full minute.  I identify and implement the right combination of methods tailored to each client’s needs and goals.